The American Royal
This weekend is the Superbowl of barbecue contests, the American Royal.
Sure wish I was there. But, I'm not going until I get an invitation!
WhiteTrash BBQ -- Real Pit Barbecue from New York City. This is the story of a fire obsessed guy, living in Brooklyn, with a dream of producing award winning, competition busting, real Barbeque. Come live the dream as I compete around the country in the KCBS Championship Barbecue circuit.
This weekend is the Superbowl of barbecue contests, the American Royal.
Henry Ford was a damn good entrepreneur. One of the by-products of making Model Ts was a lot of scrap wood. Now good ol' Henry said to himself - how can I make a dollar out of that scrap wood? How about making charcoal? Yeah - that's it - charcoal. And that's how Kingsford Charcoal was born.
As promised dear readers, I investigated the Amateur Barbeque League. I sent a message to Mike at ABL and this is what he said...
I just came across the Amateur Barbeque League on the internet. It appears to be a new league for amateur cooks only. For only $25 a year, you can enter the ABL and cook in as many contests you like, until the championship where you compete for either $25,000 or $50,000. There is a $30 entry fee for each contest. Sounds like a great idea, but I don't know if it's feasible. There's no way a contest organizer would recoup his investment with only a $30 entry fee.
Picking up where we left off:
We made the pulled pork and it turned out pretty damn good. I'm sorry we didn't get any pictures. Chris Lilly's recipe is pretty tasty, but there were a few flavors missing as far as I am concerned. I'd add another 1/4 cup of brown sugar, and switch the plain sugar to turbinado sugar. There's still a flavor missing but I haven't put my finger on it yet.
Today, I'm cooking for tomorrow. We're celebrating my daughter's 12th birthday a few days late. Right now, as I type, there is 15lbs of Pork Butt cooking on my Weber Smokey Mountain. I used a modified Minion Method for the fire and the meat should be ready around midnight tonight.
Well, it's been three days since my last post. I'm working on getting a schedule set so that I post every other day. Yesterday I spent an hour composing a chart on cooking times and temperatures for the most common bbq foods. But I was unable to post it. The chart was created in Excel. I couldn't get it to keep its format when posting.
I've always heard that great minds think alike....
Please take a moment today to remember all who were lost in the terrorist attacks 4 years ago today. Take a moment to remember all the brave men and women who have been lost in the war on terror. Take a moment to remember all the children who lost their parents. Take a moment to remember what America was like before the terrorist attacks.
Sorry for the lack of posts. Life is been very strange lately. I will post more over the weekend and will be getting on a regular posting schedule.
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