Burnt Out Monday
Sorry folks. No BBOM today, just burnt out. Long tough weekend that started with breaking a tooth on Thursday and totaling my car on Friday. I'll be back later in the week.
WhiteTrash BBQ -- Real Pit Barbecue from New York City. This is the story of a fire obsessed guy, living in Brooklyn, with a dream of producing award winning, competition busting, real Barbeque. Come live the dream as I compete around the country in the KCBS Championship Barbecue circuit.
Sorry folks. No BBOM today, just burnt out. Long tough weekend that started with breaking a tooth on Thursday and totaling my car on Friday. I'll be back later in the week.
Well, it's that time again; we're riding The Smoking Car all the way out to California and who's that sitting next to us? Why, it's our good buddy BigMista - The Survival Gourmet. Mista's one of the Los Angeles area's best caterers and has just formed his own competitive barbeque team with a few other bloggers, but let's listen as BigMista tells us his barbeque story....
SweetNicks was supposed to be our guest today on Barbecue Burn Out Monday, but unfortunately, she had a gall bladder operation over the weekend which took her out of commission. She's home now and recovering nicely as her husband cooks dinner AND cleans the kitchen afterwards. What a nice guy. I don't mind cooking, but I usually leave the cleaning to someone else!
I just heard from my friend Neil over at The Survival Gourmet, that he and Luis from The BBQ Junkie have united to form a new competitive BBQ team, name to be determined later. That's farking fantastic. I wish them all the luck in the world. Any team with the two of them should prove hard to beat.
Welcome back to the Smoking Car. This is our third trip in the Smoking Car and who do we meet today? Well, looky here, it's Matt from The Hampton Smoker. Good to see you Matt. So what's up with you?
Ok - where have I been? Where's this week's edition of BBQ Burn Out Monday? Well folks, your humble blogger has been bogged down working on putting together NYC's first BBQ contest - Grillin On The Bay!
The Smoking Car is on the move again. We're making a return trip to Vermont to pick up Rich Decker of Lost Nation Smoke Company. He was telling us the story of his first barbeque competition, but was unable to finish when the Smoking Car came to his stop. Well, we're back and Rich can pick up his story again. Take it away Rich....
Welcome to BBQ Burn Out Monday #3. As promised, I am scouring the blogosphere in search of the most interesting and likeable bloggers to guest post on BBQ Burn Out Monday. I'd like all of you to extend a warm welcome to the newest member of the WhiteTrash family, Chef Michele. When you get a chance, be sure to check out her blog which features some of the best recipes to be found on the net. Take it away Michele....
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