So What Do BBQers Do?
According to the National Barbecue News, here's what the enthusiasts do...
What type of fuel do readers of the National BBQ News use?
- 35% use charcoal as their source of barbecue fuel.
- 34% choose gas
- 21% use only natural wood products.
- 2% use electricity
- 9% use some sort of combination from the above.
- 69% say their favorite barbecue sauce is their own.
- 51% of these are totally homemade
- 18% of these use a commercial base to start.
- 28% prefer a commercial sauce without changing it at all.
- 66% fire up the grill or pit at least one time per week.
- 23% barbecue more than two times per month.
- 8% saythey barbecue once or twice a month.
- 1% said they cook five times a year or less
- 1% said they have never cooked barbecue because they do not know how to cook good barbecue.
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