Enjoying Public Space Again
Well looky here. I found this to be very intriguing and inspiring. An architecture student who's into grilling and challenging authority. This man could be my son! This article comes to us from the good folks at the Islington Gazette.
BRIAN HOY: “It’s about enjoying public space again"
A NEW extreme sport has hit the streets of Islington - and enthusiasts are abandoning their skateboards for charcoal, tongs and prize-winning bangers.
Rather than surfing that killer wave or throwing themselves out of aeroplanes, these adrenaline-junkies are braving the heady new world of "extreme barbecue".
The goals of the "sport" - created by architecture student Brian Hoy, 23 - are simple. Find the most inappropriate spot in an urban environment possible, fire up the barbie and get cooking.
The first extreme barbecue was held on a traffic island in the middle of Euston Road, King's Cross.
Mr Hoy, who lives in Finsbury Park, said: "We set off to the traffic island armed with disposable barbecues and a selection of fine meats.
"Soon enough the police turned up and told us that it was a totally inappropriate time and place for cooking - so we offered them a sausage. They were doing the good cop/bad cop routine. One thought it was funny, the other kept threatening us with arrest."
Explaining the philosophy of the sport, Mr Hoy added: "It's about enjoying public space again - as things are you get given a few parks to enjoy yourself in and everywhere else is just somewhere you go to work."
"It's the same sort of idea as graffiti - but less of a territorial marking and a lot more pacifist.
So far Mr Hoy and his fellow enthusiasts have such struck bizarre locations as the top of an abandoned 18-storey building on Oxford Street, and the roof of University College London's chemistry department.
Mr Hoy said: "I would encourage anyone who wants to get involved at the cutting edge of extreme sport to take up extreme barbecue. Whenever I cross Euston Road I fondly remember the hiss and crackle of cooking bacon.
Labels: barbecue, barbeque, bbq, extrene, grilling, london, new england, sports
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