Shameless Barbecue Pimping
My friend and talented barbeque competitor Eric Hoover over at Cockeye BBQ has just announced that he's selling T-Shirts and other sorts of memorabilia to help support his award winning BBQ team. Take a look. Better yet, purchase a few things. I know I'm going to buy at least a shirt. I really like his logo and will be proud to wear his cockeye on my back.
Another new blog to check out is the brand spanking new, just published today, Garlic Powder Blog. It's a new product of smoked garlic powder being released by another of the BBQ-Brethren.
And since I'm promoting blogs, here's one more new one to look at tonight-- Bucky's BBQ Blog. Bucky McOinkum has a lot to say. Take a few moments and spend some time with him. You'll be glad you did.
And for all my friends and fellow bloggers to whom I owe cross links, thank you for being patient. I'm in the process of doing a lot of housekeeping and you'll be seeing your links soon.
Thanks for helping me being known as The BBQ Pimp. hahaha. Funny Robert.
Hey I wasn't calling anyone a pimp. I was doing the pimping dude. Word!
Robert, thanks for the kind words! :) Also, love all the pics from the comp... wish I could have made it, but I'm planning on it next year... need a judge or two???
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