Happy New Year.
Happy New Year! I want to thank all of you who have read this blog during the past year. Thanks for the comments and suggestions, I appreciate all of them. Even those that pissed me off! Keep them coming.
2005 has arrived and it's time for the first cook of the year. On Sunday, January 2, 2005, I cooked up 15lbs of spare ribs. Man, they were damn good. There's something almost subversive about cooking BBQ in NYC in January. It was like skipping school.
I've got to remember to take pictures of ribs when I cook them. I should take pictures of all the food I cook, but I'm always looking to eat first. After cooking ribs for 5 hours, I'm damn hungry and not thinking about pictures. After pulling an all nighter for brisket, I'm definitely not thinking about the camera. So, here's my first resolution of the new year.... "I hereby resolve to take and post pictures of my cooking."
And since this is a new year, I'm going to take some time an clear up a few points.
1. This is MY blog. It exists so that I can record my thoughts and actions. If I stray off topic occasionally, so be it. I try to keep it focused on BBQ, but BBQ is only a part of my life. Other topics will still be discussed occasionally.
2. If you disagree with any of the opinions expressed on this blog, feel free to contact me. My email is bbqwhitetrash@optonline.net. Keep it civil. There's no point in personal insults just because I didn't like your favorite BBQ joint.
3. I don't make a penny off any of the links on this blog. The links on the right side of the page are links to websites that I like and visit often. The links I post within the body of the blog are there just for fun. I am not responsible for the content of any link.
4. I don't make any money from the reviews or recommendations I put here. Everything on this blog is just my opinion. If I recommend something it's because I like it.
Well, I'm off my soap box now. My next posting I'll discuss some of my findings on the quest for the golden chicken.
Happy new year, Robert...Hope all is well with you.
You going on that Bar-b-Cruise? This might be the first test of married life for me (got married in Sept.)-- can I convince her to make this our honeymoon? Hmmmm....
Keep the coals glowing.
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